Should You Be Able to Make 6-Figures Only Working 4 Hours a Week?

Should you be able to make 6-figures only working 4 hours a week? This is a surprising hot-button for a lot of people I meet. Several years ago, Tim Ferriss wrote a book called, The 4-Hour Workweek. His premise is that if we only did what only we can do and off-loaded the rest of [...]

The Death of Meaningful Work

I woke up in a slight panic at 3 am this morning. The questions running through my head were, “Has this down economy scared everyone so much that they’re abandoning their dream of doing meaningful work? Are we witnessing the slow death of meaningful work?” I know that seems alarmist (as do most thoughts at [...]

How Does Work-Life Balance Work?

Lots of folks aspire to “Work-Life Balance.” But do we really know what it is? Don’t miss hearing the wise perspectives of Nigel Marsh, the author of the fabulously titled books: “Fat, Forty and Fired” and “Overworked and Underlaid.” “How to Make Work-Life Balance Work” The big bonus is that he’s funny, too. *~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~* Today’s [...]

What Would Rocky Do?

Have you ever wanted to learn to speed walk? Me neither.  I’ve been an avid walker since I was about 11 years old, and always thought I was just fine at my usual snail’s pace. Apparently not, because a few years ago, a friend of mine decides I need to learn to walk faster in [...]

Let it be fun!

Ever get bogged down by something you know you need to do – but you don’t really want to be doing it? I got some great coaching on this topic (thanks Christine Marchetta) and what I realized is that even with the things that are a great big drag, if you’re creative enough, you can [...]

Do You Have Something to Hide?

What if they suddenly took away the blind carbon copy function in email? What would people do? When you use the BCC option, it means you’ve got something to hide from someone.  You’re not being straightforward.  Not standing up and being fully counted. One thing I’ve learned as a coach is that whatever you need [...]