Should you compare yourself to others when making important decisions?



Should you compare yourself to others when making important decisions?

“I would start a blog about weight loss, but other people know more about it than me.”

“I would create a walking tour of my city, but other people are already doing them.”

“I would start my own business, but I know people who’ve failed at it.”

Each of these scenarios has been shared with me by real clients. At first, these arguments seem pretty rational, don’t they? I mean, if you can’t be the best, the first, or a sure success – why would you attempt it in the first place?

Is it possible that doing something that’s important to you is about more than being the best, first, or a sure success?

Here’s what I think:

1)  Making the leap into something you really want to do may actually be about the adventure of taking the leap.  What kinds of things might you learn about yourself – even if you “fail”?

2)  You are your own person – with your own experiences, perceptions and unique point of view.  How someone else does something is not the same way you would do it.  Perhaps you are equally, or maybe even better, equipped than the next gal.

3)  Maybe your idea has already been done, but maybe your version of the idea provides a different experience for people.  Perhaps you would appeal to a whole different audience than the other folks in the same game.

Comparing yourself to others is a slippery slope to never acting on your dreams because you’re afraid of something that may or may not be real.

Should you compare yourself to others when making important decisions?

You tell me! Please comment below…



Image courtesy of Suvro Datta/

2 Responses to “Should you compare yourself to others when making important decisions?”

  1. Like they said ” There is a will and there is a way” . Do not short sale your talent. You will be surprised when it is your turn and you give it all. The results will be so fantastic that you say “I am glad that I have tried”.

  2. Thanks, Gloria! Yes – where there’s a will there’s a way!

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